Are Churches Required to Pay for Continuing Education in the Umc

As the conversation on the continuing United Methodist Church progresses, this webpage provides resources to help address questions that many are asking such as: Why should I stay in the UMC? What will the future of the UMC look like? W ill there be place for me?

More resources and latest updates on the future of the UMC will be added as they become available.

To request a presentation at your local church or in your district, click the button below:

Continuing UMC Presentation Request Form

Seven Reasons Why I Love The UMC, video with Bishop Ken Carter

Living in Connection in a Season of Waiting

Download a written copy of this message.

Denominational Resources

  • People of God #BeUMC Campaign: The People of God campaign celebrates the core values that connect the people of The United Methodist Church. We are faithful, Jesus-seeking, missional, committed, spirit-filled, deeply rooted, connected, resilient, justice-seeking and diversepeople of God
  • Be UMC Worship & Preaching Resources: Incorporate the #BeUMC campaign into worship services with the help of this sermon series developed by Discipleship Ministries.
  • UMNews : Comprehensive news about The United Methodist Church
  • UMs Connected: A Resource for the emerging UMC
  • Ask the UMC (a Q&A series from
  • United Methodist Insight : Discerning God's will for the future
  • That We May Be One : The UMC into the future
  • The Rev. Adam Hamilton's address to the Texas Annual Conference
  • Connectional Table Webinar: Should I Stay or Should I Go?: As our church experiences a tumultuous season, you may be wondering what our disagreements and decisions will mean for you.
  • Ask the UMC: What is the Church's position on homosexuality?
  • Tuesdays at the Table: What do you understand when you hear, "This is the Lord's table and we don't set the guest list?": Dr. Edgardo Colón-Emeric talks about what it means to invite everyone to the Lord's Table.
  • Who's at your table: Compass 74 Podcast: This episode is a conversation between co-hosts Pierce Drake and Ryan Dunn. They discuss the age-old, but always relevant question of "What would Jesus do?"--as the question relates to community, gathering, and relationships in our 21st-century context.

Florida Conference Resources

  • The Rev. Magrey DeVega's sermon on the Nature & Mission of the Church, June 5, 2022
  • The Rev. Clarke Campbell Evans' sermon on The Power of Connectionalism, August 21, 2022
  • The Rev. Emily Hotho's presentation to the Gulf Central District on the Continuing UMC, March 2022
  • The Continuing UMC Laity Webinar, March 20, 2022
  • Laity Webinar Frequently Asked Questions
  • The Continuing UMC Clergy Webinar, March 28, 2022
  • The Rev. Dr. Paul Chilcote on The Florida Conference's Clergy Session
  • The Rev. Dr. Jim Harnish, Empty Seats Along the Way
  • Bishop Ken Carter's Opening Message at Annual Conference 2021
  • A Letter to the Gulf Central District from Interim Superintendent Rev. Clarke Campbell-Evans
  • The Future of the UMC in Florida (Video): Bishop Ken Carter discusses the UMC in Florida
  • Seven Reasons The United Methodist Church Will Remain United: A video by Bishop Carter
  • A Community of Love and Forgiveness: A 40-Day Journey of Discipleship: A diverse set of lay and clergy authors from around the Conference reflect on this baptismal vow:"Do youconfess Jesus Christ as your savior, put your whole trust in hisgrace, and promise toserve him as your Lord, in union with thechurch which Christ hasopened to people ofall ages, nations, and races?"

Prior Materials

  • The Cross and the Flame Bishop Carter's General Conference opening sermon: A sermon for the Special Session of the General Conference of the United Methodist Church by Kenneth H. Carter, Jr., President, Council of Bishops on February 24, 2019, in St. Louis, Missouri
  • Presentation to Local Churches in the East Central District : Rev. Alex Shanks presents on the future of the United Methodist Church and the upcoming General Conference
  • General Conference & My Church's Future (Video): Join Bishop Carter and Rev. Alex Shanks as they share the latest information about the upcoming General Conference and the future of The United Methodist Church. In a season of change, we remain confident of God's presence among us as we remain On Mission Together
  • The Protocol of Grace & Reconciliation Through Separation: Questions and Answers with Rev. Alex Shanks
  • A Way Forward: A Report from St. Louis on Thursday: Blogpost by Bishop Ken Carter
  • A Way Forward: A webpage of various links and resources


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